Pretoria Wedding Makeup Artist - Annelie

When Annelie mentioned her venue, it was one that I had never heard of, but I was completely blown away by it.  Vivere is a beautiful and romantic wedding venue and will definitely count as one of my favourites from now on - especially from a make-up artist point of view. The bridal room is spacious and light and has a beautiful view over the dam. And it has aircon, which is an absolute MUST these days!

Annelie is exceptionally talented, and made the beautiful bridesmaid dresses and her very unique garter all by herself!  She looked amazing in her dress and the make-up really made her beautiful blue eyes pop.  Detoi photography took these breathtaking photo's of this special lady.

Portuguese Style Wedding - Pretoria wedding Make-up artist

Daniela met Leonardo while they were both working for a cruise company and together they have travelled the world.  Her husband is originally from Brazil, so Portuguese was definitely the language that was most spoken at this wedding! They got married at beautiful L'aguila and Daniel West took these amazing photographs.  I just love his use of light!